Nicholas West brickwork specialist Contractors




Bushy leaves 2008

Gudgeon Farm House 2008

Bushy leaves 2008

Zion Chapel 2007

Swingle swangle 2006

Lime House 2005

Juglans House 2004

Chilham Castle 2003


Brick Barns


Re pointing

Lime Mortars




New Buildings

New Zealand brickworks

Brickwork Details

Period properties


New Zealand Brickworks

This shows old English brickmaking machinery thats been imported all the way to New zealand and still working to this day. Showing you some pure English engineering at it finest.
A brickyard showing all different types of bricks been made that are transported all over New Zealand.

Image showing the 300metre tunnel kilm.

This is what they call a tunnel kilm, the whole kilm is 300 metre long and moves 1metre an hour, slowly drying the bricks as they move along. The kilm reachies a temperature of 1100 degrees to fire the bricks.

Showing the colour change in the bricks during its process.

The kilm is fired up with recycled oil.
This shows the clay at its raw state before being mixed, taken from a quarry behind the brick works.
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