Nicholas West brickwork specialist Contractors




Gudgeon Farm House 2008

Bushy leaves 2008

Zion Chapel 2007

Swingle swangle 2006

Juglans House 2005

Lime House 2005

Chilham Castle 2004


Stone and Schist

Chilham Steps

Re pointing

Lime Mortars




New Buildings

Brick Barns

Brickwork Details

New Zealand brickworks

Period properties


Zion Chapel

We can totally restore your property back to it original beauties.

If this property was built in cement it wouldn't have been able to with stand the neglect it endured in the past. Due to it being built with lime mortar this has help it to be able to absorb the movement other wise it would of collapsed.


This is a Chapel in a village that I grew up in, in Kent, England. The Chapel had some bad repairs previously carried out on it in the past. The brickwork had been re-pointed in cement, of which had been smeared over the faces of bricks.

The roof had partly collapsed causing the gables to be pulled in which in turn twisted the building, making the archie's drop and side flank to bow.


This image shows the rear of chapel with cement pointing and bricks with blown faces before the work has been carried out.

This image shows the new arches and has had brickwork acid cleaned and a fully re-pointed back in lime mortar, with the last top 4 courses replaced finished in dental corbel.

The image above shows the badly damaged gauged units and cement repairs on the arches.

This image shows a repair to the right side of window re-built in cement. I can actually remember this being repaired as child. the image also show the property before it was cleaned.

This image on the right show the building cleaned re-pointed in lime mortar and with new replaced arches. if look closely you can see the top part of the gable was re-built and corbel dental course was add to replace the old 1 brick course. Right at top of gable I made a brick cross that sits in projective square, the reason for this new detail was to hide a new steal that span from one gable to other to support new roof . As both gables lent in about 4" at both ends this was over looked by roofer.

Re-pointed old arch and replaced some new each units.
This image shows a panel of brickwork taken down the was a good reason for this, there was a repair that had been done in the past by pervious owner, by replacing cracked bricks from movement with hard brick pavers with neat cement.
This image shows the left side repaired and re pointed in lime with brick replacement.
This 3mm gauge arch on the right & left were particularly hard arches,to replace, due to the fact they not only lean in back but the gable also had a curve in it, due to twist in the building.
This project was a pleasure to work on. As I remember this building was a Sunday school and art gallery then turn in to a house in the early 90's but was always falling apart or suffer the wrong hands.
New Projects Contact Nicholas West Now for advice.